Thursday, July 30, 2009

Nathan had his two month doctor's visit today. We learned that he now weighs 10 lbs. 2 oz. and is 21 3/4 inches long. He's still perfect.

Dr. Griffith was very impressed that he is sleeping through the night, and she is amazed at how well he holds his head up. (As a side note, Nathan held his head up for 4 minutes earlier this week during tummy time!)

Oh, he also got his first set of immunization shots. The boy was a real trooper. He only screamed for 5 seconds (really), and then fell asleep in Todd's arms before we even made it out of the doctor's office! (Probably doesn't hurt that we gave him some baby Tylenol before the appointment... we knew what we were getting into!) He then spent the day with Meme, who continued to drug... I mean give him his medicine... every few hours.

Nathan's day ended at 8 p.m. following a bottle and me singing to him. When I went to check on him at 9, this is what I saw...

Drugged from his 7:30 dose

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