And to cap off the evening, we dined at The Varsity... at 10:00 p.m.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Just call me Grace
And to cap off the evening, we dined at The Varsity... at 10:00 p.m.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Tears of Joy
I had decided last week that I did not want to know the test results before Christmas. I trust you can understand why. Well, the doctor's office just called with the results, and before I let her finish her sentence, I asked her, "Do I want to know the results?" Her answer was "YES, everything is fine." The Grit passed that test!
Of course I started to cry, and she wished me a Merry Christmas. And yes, it will be a very Merry Christmas indeed!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
We scheduled our ultrasound with the specialist and our next OB appointment for January 15th. That is the day we will find out whether The Grit is a boy or a girl. It can't come soon enough.

Friday, December 12, 2008
Nursery Sweet Nursery

So Jenny & I were chatting about her nursery. When I showed her the crib bedding that I wanted, she said she loved it too. And when I showed her the rocker & ottoman, she had seen it and wanted that too. I think our cribs will even look similar. I even joked that we're going to have matching nurseries! (OK, not really, but close.) We are both grinning from ear to ear about our chat because what can we say... we both have great tastes!
The best part of the rocker & ottoman story is that they were ON SALE! Half-price!!! Talk about an early Merry Christmas!!! We are both very excited... as you can imagine.
Burgers & Socks
So every night on my way home I spend a few minutes at a traffic light not far from our home. And while I wait for my green light, I am tempted by the delicious smell of hamburgers. But these aren't just any burgers. No. They are Burger King burgers. Yum! Every night the burger fairies send that delicious smell into the evening sky through some magical, powerful ventilation system. And every night that delicious smell beckons those nearby to come buy a Burger King burger. Of course it's tempting. Really tempting. But I forge ahead and make my way home. But I tell you this... we're having burgers for dinner tonight! (Homemade, but burgers nevertheless.)
And now for the sock portion of my evening.
Yesterday morning I placed a load of laundry in the dryer. Fast forward to last night. When I came home I went searching for socks in said dryer. Wouldn't you know it, the exact pair of socks I wanted to wear were right there in front. Both socks. A complete pair. How often does that happen?!?! It gave me a warm feeling inside. It's the simple things that make me happy.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
How do you like them apples!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Insert catch commercial jingle here
I am sensitive about my hair, the gray ones especially. My first gray hair appeared 10 years ago when I was a teacher, and unfortunately I have been finding more and more through the years. Every four weeks (sometimes five) I have my hair dyed, and of course highlighted every other visit. I spend a lot of money on my hair, but it's important to me.
Almost a year before becoming pregnant I talked with my OB about dyeing my hair during pregnancy, and aside from refraining during the first trimester, he gave me the go ahead to dye away. So you better believe the first opportunity I got to sit in Ronnie's chair, I did.
And I look fabulous, if I do say so myself!
PS... There are no "before" photos because I have no desire to embarrass myself even more with a photo of that mess. "After" photos are not presently available since I am blogging at work. I'll post some in the coming days though, so check back.
Friday, December 5, 2008
I heart Williams-Sonoma

Hard Candy Christmas
Whenever I hear that song, I think of Granddaddy, my great-grandfather who passed away a few years ago. I don't know if he liked the song or not, but he loved hard candies, especially Russell Stover's Stain & Chips.

The candy tins look a lot different from the tins from 25 year ago. In fact, my Uncle Charlie still has a candy tin in his desk drawer at work. In it he keeps coins. When BJ & I were growing up, we would visit "The Shop" often, and we always ran to that drawer, got some change out of the tin, and bought ourselves a Coke & a snack. That is one of my favorite memories.
Perhaps that why I love Dolly Parton's "Hard Candy Christmas" so much.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Guys, Don't Find Yourself in the Doghouse this Christmas!
The video is a bit long (almost seven minutes), but well worth it. Your co-workers will be stopping by your desk to find out what's got you in stitches. Pass it along, especially to the guys in your life. They don't need to be in the doghouse.
14 weeks
I am now in maternity clothes (loving the pants), and am shopping for shoes that don't require too much bending or effort to put on. I find myself out of breath often these days, even though I am not exerting myself any more than normal. My What to Expect book tells me this is expected, so I do not worry.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Kate Hudson in my dreams?
Sunday, November 23, 2008
First Holiday Outfits
Thursday, November 20, 2008
12 down, 28 to go
- a healthy pregnancy
- a healthy baby with a strong heartbeat (and hopefully stronger spirit)
- a wonderful husband
- three beautiful furry children
- a wonderful job, boss & co-workers that I enjoy
- a wonderful family who I am sooo glad are a part of my life
- wonderful friends, new & old
- a beautiful home
- a fridge & pantry full of food
- a car that gets me from point A to point B
- money in the bank to pay all our bills, allow us to have fun, and get us from point A to point B
What are you thankful for?
Friday, November 14, 2008
1 out of a 14,000
Anyway, one of my favorite things is
The cool underside of a pillow.
Boy or Girl?
Today I start my 12th week. So how do I celebrate? By doing the "wedding ring test."
What is the "wedding ring test" you ask? It's an old wives' tales that is supposed to tell you whether you are having a boy or a girl. This is how it is done:
- Using a piece of string or a strand of your hair, thread your wedding ring onto it
- Lie on your back
- Hang the suspended wedding ring over your belly, making sure it is completely still
- If your ring swings back and forth, you are having a boy
- If your ring spins in a circle, you are having a girl
So guess what my wedding ring did...
It swung to and fro. If all the old wives are correct, we are having a BOY.
However, keep in mind the following:
- According to the Chinese Gender Prediction Chart, it's a girl
- According to my dreams (which are pretty special), it's a girl
- According to the way I m carrying my weight, it's a girl
Stay tuned for the official results. We should have those in several weeks, maybe even before Christmas!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Snoogle v. Boppy
So Tuesday I visited Babies R Us for a body pillow and purchased a Boppy. See below.

I bought the Snoogle on Wednesday. See below.

The Snoogle is better. Trust me.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Sweet, Syrupy Smell
I also won't be buying it because my right hand has smelled like sweet syrup all day. I am going crazy! My sense of smell is obviously heightened these days, but this is ridiculous! I have washed my hands more than a dozen times and the smell remains. I'm going to have to use my onion/garlic smell remover bar tonight when I get home. First thing. When I walk in the door. It really is driving me CRAZY!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Lub-Dub, Lub-Dub
Our next appointment is December 18, the day before my dad's birthday. It would be so cool if we could find out the baby's sex that day, but I won't be upset if we don't.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Who Knew Such a Day Existed
While I have the ability to dream about babies, I do not dream about food. (I daydream about food, but that's not the same thing.) And since my crystal ball wasn't working, how was I supposed to KNOW what he had in mind?
So anyway, we get into this stupid. stupid. stupid. fight. I hang up, but call back a few minutes later because I am still fuming. I can't believe he's mad at me for ruining his surprise. How was I supposed to KNOW?
So less than two minutes after the second phone call, I hear a radio ad for National Men Make Dinner Day. No joke! Apparently the first Thursday of every November is reserved for such a special event. I'll be sure to remember that next year, and the year after that, etc. Anyway, here is the website...
So I call him for a third time and tell him about the radio ad. He chuckled. I forgave him.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Election Day Funnies
This one was overheard at the "water cooler" at work: Woman tells man that she is voting for Obama because she "likes his wrists." She "likes the way they meet his hands," and that he reminds her of Abraham Lincoln. Now while I trust there are other reasons that she is voting for him, I hope his wrists were not the deciding factor. That is the equivalent of voting for the Senior class President because you like the way he looks in his letterman jacket. So vain, so irrational, and totally stupid. I would say the same if she were voting for McCain because she liked the way he parted his hair. And if I may also suggest, that part of the conversation should have been reserved for her girlfriends when she's had one martini too many. Seriously!
And the second story involves my mom and a woman she plays trivia with on Thursdays. I had joined them one night a few weeks ago, and like most conversations these days, the topic of the elections came up. The last presidential debate had been held the previous night, so Jane wanted to know my mom's opinions of how the debate went. Fair enough. However.... she prefaced it by saying, "I know you're Republican..." (For the record, let me state that my mom is NOT Republican, nor is she a Democrat. She votes with her head. Period. End of sentence.) So when my mom asked Jane why she thought she was Republican since they had never discussed politics before, Jane's response was "the size of your diamond in your wedding ring." Excuse me? Are you to suggest that only poor people are Democrat and Republicans are rich? What an absurd assessment of people in general.
Seriously folks, the polls just closed here in Georgia, and I hope you were able to do your civic duty without too much hassle. We waited for a little over two hours this morning, but it was worth it. If you happen to be in another time zone where your polls are still open and you haven't voted yet, GET OUT THERE AND VOTE. Happy voting!
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Pinto Bean
Hard to believe I start my third month tomorrow. It has gone by so fast, but at the same time not fast enough. The Grit certainly needs to cook a lot longer, but I'm ready to know the sex so I can start buying clothes and decorating the nursery.
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Six Flags
- Monster Plantation
- Hanson Cars
- Carousel (100 years old this year)
- Highland Swings
So we get to the park and Cherilyn & Mike are on another ride (they got there before us). Todd wants to ride the Georgia Cyclone; I didn't. He does a little pouting act, so I give in. NEVER AGAIN! I had never been on that ride, so I had no idea how bumpy it would be. Seriously bumpy. I even hit him at one point, and the words (and I quote) "Well, if we were pregnant we're not anymore!" came out of my mouth. Obviously that didn't happen, but still. That's how much I HATED the ride.
So for the rest of the evening we rode the rides I wanted to ride, but I also stood in line for almost 2 hours with them so they could ride The Batman Ride. Two minutes later, we were already looking for the next ride. I am a very good wife (and he's a very good husband). He'll be taking our kids to Six Flags with explicit instructions to NOT let them ride the Georgia Cyclone.
Here are some photos of that evening...
Friday, October 17, 2008
Spinach Dip
Here's the recipe:
1 container (8 oz.) sour cream
1 cup mayonnaise
1 package (10 oz.) frozen chopped spinach, thawed and squeezed dry
1 can (8 oz.) water chestnuts, drained and chopped
Mix all ingredients, chill for 4 hours, and serve with tortilla chips. Many of y'all have had this at my parties, so now you can make it at home... and then bring some over to the pregnant lady!
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
I'm Efficient
Now if I could just be efficient with housework and daily life.
Sharing Session #1
- no morning sickness, yet
- hungry ALL the time
- already had to buy larger bras (sorry, had to share)
- about to buy Bella Band so I can avoid maternity clothes a little while longer
- forgetful a lot of the time... blame it on "baby brain"
- not too emotional, yet, although my Saturday night 1 a.m. crying fit would lead Todd to tell you differently
I'm sure there's more, but with my baby brain, I've forgotten. I'll update this post if I think of anything else!
Monday, October 13, 2008
More Baby Dreams
Anyway, four weeks ago tonight (September 15) I had my own baby dream. I dreamt a nurse was telling me that I was "just pregnant." The following morning I told Todd & Mike (Todd's co-worker who carpools with us) about my dream. Of course he dismissed it, after all, we had only just started trying to get pregnant the week before.
So fast forward a few days to September 20. I have another baby dream. This time it's a little girl wearing pink bloomers with lots of pink ruffles, and I'm holding her, looking into her eyes, saying "my daughter has my eyes." And again, I tell Todd my about my dream. And again, I am dismissed.
So fast forward another few days to September 24. That's the day we found out we were PREGNANT! I guess dreams really do come true!
So mark your calendars for June 3, 2009... or thereabouts... for the arrival of our bundle of joy, Baby Whitehurst. Oh, and check back often for updates, photos, and just my ramblings.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Baby Shower Cake
What a beautiful party she had. The centerpiece was absolutely stunning & sweet at the same time.
OK, so Heather's cake was two-tiers... and it was supposed to be three! The bottom layer was a two-layer orange cake and the top tier was a three-layer strawberry cake. The icing was cream cheese frosting and the designs were fondant.
Everyone loved the cake, so much so that they all clapped when I came forward to "claim" my hostess gift from Heather. Some even asked for the secret to moister cakes.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Upon him exiting his work van, I asked if if he would please move either a little bit up the street or a little bit down the street since he was blocking the street. No cars could have passed between the vehicles. Hell, I couldn't even lay down in the middle of the street IF I had wanted to, not that I would have, but this fact is just an illustration of how frickin' close the vehicles were to each other due to this (insert no-so-nice descriptive word here). So anyway, the guy says, "No, that's too far for me to carry my ladder." My response, "OK, I'll just call the police."
So the police show up a few moments later, and after a few more minutes (10 or 15), the cop winds up slamming the Comcast guy up against his work van and placing him under arrest. The Comcast guy was even arguing with the police officer and refusing to move the vehicle 15 feet up or down the street. What an (insert no-so-nice descriptive word here)!
So the guy is under arrest, his work truck is going to be towed, and he may just lose his job JUST BECAUSE HE WOULDN'T MOVE HIS WORK VAN.
So fast forward 35 minutes... the police officer lets the Comcast guy go (with or without a ticket, I don't know, it's not my business), the guy goes into the house where the service call is waiting (what a IDIOT... keep reading) and never once uses his ladder.
So about the IDIOT. All I can say about her is that thank GOD she is no longer my neighbor. I honestly would have to move if she were my neighbor in Happyville. Not a very happy person, or a smart one either. Here's just one reason why...
So while the Comcast guy is in the police car under arrest, she is talking with another neighbor (Ronnie, my hairdresser who also lives on Mercer) about the incident. I interject that I would be happy to tell them what happened since I was the one who called the police. She then says (and I quote), "I have no doubt that it was you who called the police." My response, "Is that good or bad?" She then proceeds to tell me that I should have asked him to move BEFORE I called the police. Yeah, thanks genius. I hadn't thought of that. What a great idea! When I informed her that I had and that he had refused, she then proceeds to tell everyone that the guy wasn't resisting arrest, she had seen the whole thing from her window. This is where I tell her, "I don't think the police officer would agree with you on that" and then I walk away all the while calling her A Complete F---ing Idiot. And she is, she really is.
My only hope now is that the Comcast guy never show up at our Happyville home for a service call.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Happy Days
As stated in a previous post, I will have a booth where I will be peddling my pickles, jellies & jams.
Very Berry Blueberry Jam, 8 oz., $4.00
Yummy Plummy Jam, 8 oz., $4.00
I'm a Georgia Peach Jam. 8 oz., $4.00
Apple of My Eye Jelly, 8 oz., $4.00
Sugar & Spice Pickles, pint, $5.00
I'll post a photo of my homemade goodies later this week, so look for this posting again.
And what a love he is. He could spend hours just loving you and you loving him. Here he is basking in the warmth of a Saturday afternoon on the wall between our homes.
Monday, September 15, 2008
My Summer Garden
I purchased three large pots at Home Depot along with the soil, seeds, plant markers, and Miracle Grow. I also visited Office Depot and purchased packing peanuts. I had read that packing peanuts placed at the bottom of the pots makes them lighter and easier to move since the entire pot is not filled with soil. Makes sense, right?
One Sunday afternoon I loaded the pots with the peanuts, then soil, then seeds, then a little more soil. I then placed them where they would get the best sun and proceeded to water them. A few days later I went to take a look at my garden only to find that the contents had drastically settled to the bottom of the pots. Turns out that the peanuts were biodegradable and once they got wet, they almost instantly dissolved. Yeah, lesson learned.
Anyway, above are some photos of what was able to grow in such conditions. I had two cucumbers, one of which we ate (and it was very yummy) and a few dozen grape tomatoes (I had one and it was also very yummy). (The yellow flowers above are from the cucumber plants.)
Not sure what I'll plant next time, but I know it won't be packing peanuts. Perhaps I'll try Diet Coke cans. I have LOTS of those!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Guitar Hero
Jeff & Jennifer, father and daughter rocking out to Guitar Hero
Jeff & Todd (Jeff is Jennifer's boyfriend)
Last Saturday we celebrated Jennifer's 29th birthday. (See Mmm, Cake post below.) Following dinner, we all played a few rounds of Guitar Hero. I actually did pretty well (81% on one round) considering my method of "playing" is messed up.
As most of y'all know, I had two strokes 33 years ago. My left side is weaker than my right, and I do not have the dexterity with my left hand like I do with my right. So in order for me to play, I held the guitar backwards and had to read the screen from left to right and remember to reverse the keys on the guitar. I am very proud of myself despite the fact that I scored about 70,000 less than Jeff (Jennifer's boyfriend). Not bad for a first time either.
Before & After
Shoulda Woulda
- Guitar Hero
- My homegrown tomatoes
- Photos of the furry babies
- Photos of our happy home
- Todd building out our garage
- Happy home construction photos
- Happy Days Festival... September 20th
- Photos of all my cakes
- Gray's 50th birthday surprise party
- Chris' 40th birthday weekend getaway... November 14-16
There's a lot more than this, but this is a good start. Maybe I'll start tomorrow.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Palm Readings by Tiffany
Mmmmm, Cake
As most of y'all know, I bake cakes. I took all three Wilton cake decorating courses earlier this year, and now I bake cakes every chance I get. The cake above was for Jennifer's 29th birthday dinner. She loves yellow cake with chocolate frosting. Add a few fondant flowers and voilĂ ... a beautiful Birthday Cake!
This weekend I am making my cousin's baby shower cake. I'll post photos, so check back!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
The Most Fabulous Dinner Party
I totally forgot to take pictures of us in our fabulousness (we were too busy enjoying the fabulous food), but I did take a picture of the fabulous dining room table.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Baby Dreams
This past February, I dreamt that my cousin Heather was pregnant. Again, I woke up and told Todd about my dream. I also called Heather the following day, and after playing phone tag for a day or so, she confirmed that I was right! The doctor had confirmed it for her a week earlier. (I also dreamt that it was a girl, and again, I am right!)
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Pickles, Jellies & Jams
Happy Days in Happyville
I am making pickles, jellies & jams for the Happy Days Festival that our town is hosting in a few short weeks. My friend Dawn & I will have our own booth featuring her awesome gift baskets and my homemade goodies.
My best friend Toni & I made various jellies & jams YEARS ago as Christmas gifts, but I have never made pickles before. Using my grandmother's recipe, I hope my Sugar & Spice Pickles are a crowd pleaser. Garlic, spices, and lots of sugar... what's not to love?
The jams are my favorite to make, especially blueberry jam. I have come up with the cutest names for my treats... tell me what you think.
Very Berry Blueberry Jam, Yummy Plummy Jam, I'm a Georgia Peach Jam, & Apple of My Eye Jelly. (I'm not 100% sold on the apple jelly name, but Nikki tells me it's catchy.)
Mercer House
We took this picture mid-July 2008, and it will serve as a Before photo. In less than 10 days, it will begin a make-over with a new roof and siding (& paint color).
As soon as the During photos are available, I will update... along with the After photos. Keep checking back for progress!
At first I would rinse the containers out and place them in the dishwasher to be washed and sanitized, me being the good wife. However, fearful that I would either pass out from the foul stench of leftover rotting food or catch some kind of disease from whatever bacteria may have been introduced two weeks earlier, I now make/ask him to take care of his lunch box and Tupperware.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Scissors, Safety Pins & Mother & Daughter
I can remember the times from my childhood that Mom made my Halloween costume (I was a clown that year... I'll have to hunt for the photo) or made me a pink dress with pretty sweet flowers and a matching scrunchie. She even made me the dress I am wearing in one of the photos in the photos below. (Not that you'll be able to see it in the picture frame, but nevertheless, my mom made it for me.) I still have that dress, but not the pink one with pretty sweet flowers. Anyway, I digress.
The Before & After photos below demonstrate my mom's style of sewing these days. Now Mom & I just use scissors and safety pins to "sew" slipcovers for the plaid chairs. The chairs were a gift from Aunt Natalie, Todd's aunt. We LOVE the chairs. They are super comfy, and they fit the niches in our sitting room perfectly. We just didn't love the plaid fabric.