Friday, September 12, 2008

Guitar Hero

Jennifer, Jeff & Arden, my in-laws

Jeff & Jennifer, father and daughter rocking out to Guitar Hero


Jeff & Todd (Jeff is Jennifer's boyfriend)

Last Saturday we celebrated Jennifer's 29th birthday. (See Mmm, Cake post below.) Following dinner, we all played a few rounds of Guitar Hero. I actually did pretty well (81% on one round) considering my method of "playing" is messed up.

As most of y'all know, I had two strokes 33 years ago. My left side is weaker than my right, and I do not have the dexterity with my left hand like I do with my right. So in order for me to play, I held the guitar backwards and had to read the screen from left to right and remember to reverse the keys on the guitar. I am very proud of myself despite the fact that I scored about 70,000 less than Jeff (Jennifer's boyfriend). Not bad for a first time either.

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