Monday, January 24, 2011

Snow 2011

Yes, I'm late posting this photo, but better late than never.

This photo was taken Monday, January 10, 2011.
This is P's first adventure into the 2011 snow.

What's not to love?

P rearranged this dining room chair following last night's dinner. He didn't like its placement in the corner, so he put it where he thought it belonged... next to Mommy! Makes my heart melt!!

And of course this totally adorable photo follows the ones of P sticking his finger up his nose, propping his foot on the dining room table, chewing with his mouth wide open, and banging his fork, plate & cup on the table. See this post on my 365 blog for the photos of his "boys will be boys" behavior.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"I stuck!"

P opened his closet door, climbed to the top of the box where he now sits, pulled a few diapers out and threw them to the floor, and then proceeded to get stuck. Here he is contemplating his next move. He wound up calling out "I stuck!"

Mommy to the rescue!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


P had his first day of Out of School Suspension yesterday. Seems he was pulling a little girl's hair (out!) and hitting a kid or two on the head with a book. Overall, he was not playing nicely. I was already on my way to get him to take him to the doctor's office for an ear infection (which, by the way, I didn't know kids with ear tubes got), so it was not a problem to keep him all day. We are chocking up his bad day to not feeling so well, and after a few long talks last night from both Daddy & me about what is expected, we don't expect any more OSS days.
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers