Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Boy Who Cried Wolf

So this past Friday evening was spent at Piedmont's Labor & Delivery unit. LDR #10 to be exact. Yep, we thought he was making his entrance. Nope. He was just making me uncomfortable. This is how it all started.

Last Friday I had to work 7 hours. Yes, had. My boss sometimes thinks he is a doctor as well as a lawyer. So he thought it would be OK if I worked 3 hours longer than the doctor ordered. So this extra 3 hours really tired me out.

As soon as I made it to my car, my back started killing me. I was doubled over in pain, crying, couldn't lift the key to put it in the ignition... not that I would have tried to drive anyway, but still. I am talking some serious pain. Anyway, after the pain subsided, I called Todd crying and carrying on about the pain. He told me to call the doctor, so I called... and waited for the return phone call.

I thought about driving to my grandmother's house just 2 miles down the street, but thought I needed to be at home instead. You know... take care of the furry babies, make sure Todd gathers everything we need for the hospital, etc. So, I drove home. No sooner did I get on the Interstate did the contractions start. For the entire hour drive home I had contractions.

Meanwhile the doctor calls me back and tells me to lie down for an hour, drink lots of fluids, take a Tylenol, monitor the contractions, and call him back in an hour. I do just as the doctor ordered. The contractions didn't stop. They were averaging 4 minutes apart, coming every 2 to 6 minutes. Doctor tells me to come on in.

We arrive at the hospital where I am hooked up to a fetal monitor and we begin our Friday evening. Yes, the nurses are seeing that I am having contractions, and yes, they are averaging every 4 minutes, but there is no progress on the dilation, so we wait. Todd and I watch Dateline and Farrah's Story in the meantime. Lindsay, the cutest nurse ever, comes in periodically to check on my and my cervix. Still no dilation, and apparently the contractions are slowing (or rather, not progressing). My doctor has offered me the option to spend the night, but I decided to go to sleep in my own bed. They send me home at 10:00 with 10 mg of Ambien, and needless to say I was passed out until the next morning. Nice. Very nice.

Keep your fingers crossed that the next time he decides to "cry wolf" he means it!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Put a Fork in Me!

I. Am. Done.

OK, more like He. Is. Done.

Yep! He is officially full-term! Today ends the "done cooking" week (as Toni calls it), and it could not have come at a better time. Here's why..

Yesterday was a bad, bad day for me. I felt heavy all day, and I don't mean weight-wise. I cannot explain it well, but trust me, I felt heavy. I also felt miserable because I am sick with a cold. No fun.

I slept until 10:30 Wednesday morning just so I wouldn't feel anything. When I finally got up, I moved so... so... so... slow. I was like that all day, too. No fun.

I am also on restricted duty at this time, so I work 4 hour days and then lie down for two hours when I get home. OK, this part is fun. Doctor-ordered 1/2 days and 2 hour naps each day, what more could a pregnant woman ask for?!?!

Except yesterday was different. I laid down at 6:00 and didn't get up until 9:30 this morning! Well, I did get up to go to the bathroom (once every 45 minutes or so) and to eat dinner (Wendy's fast food... not my idea of a meal, but what else could I do?), but aside from those few moments, I was either on the sofa or in bed. Poor Todd. Poor furry babies. They are being ignored. I am so sorry.

Anyway, back to Nathan. At our last ultrasound (May 4), he weighed 5 lbs. 9 oz. So he should be just over 6 lbs. now. His heartbeat this past Monday (May 11) was 147 bpm. He's also ready to get out!

I am 80% effaced and 1/2 cm dilated, or at least I was Monday. I'll know more at my next doctor appointment (May 18). I actually have 2 appointments next week... Monday & Thursday. That's unusual, but considering it is a holiday weekend, my doctor doesn't want to chance me going into labor over the Memorial Day weekend. Obviously I'll know more at next Thursday's appointment, but who knows... we may just be parents by this time next week!!!

Now I just need to tell my boss. He's so busy, we haven't had a chance to talk! Boy will he be surprised!!!
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