Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Best Buds

Look at those smiles!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Go Go

For the past two mornings Nathan has taken it upon himself to walk to the car on his own. All I have to say is "Go Go?" With that simple phrase, he hops out of his high chair, toddles to the back door, and makes his way down the back steps. Once I open the back gate however, he starts RUNNING down the driveway despite my telling him "No, sir" and promising him George once he gets in the car. He's never made it to the end of the driveway though... thank God! And I really don't mind the extra minutes it takes for him to make his way down the stairs or the small heart attack he gives me in his driveway adventures because this new found "freedom" of his has "freed" me of the extra 20 plus pounds that is Nathan!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

9, 10 & 11

That's how many teeth P now has. They all appeared yesterday, or at least that's when I noticed them all. They have literally just broken through, and as usual, P doesn't let us know about it. We have to find out on our own!!


Nathan styled his own hair the other evening. This was after he finished dinner but while he still had food on his hands.

Some mornings he styles his hair with banana, which of course isn't easy to wash out real quick. Oh well. He probably isn't the only kid at school with food where it shouldn't be. (Ears, anyone?)

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers