Sunday, February 1, 2009

Little Boy Blue

My TA DA moment happened at 1:20 Sunday morning. I think I shed a tear. You may too when you see how sweet it is.

Here are the "before" photos...

What's up with that hair? (hehe)

Soon-to-be-Crib wall

Nathan's closet

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It's all in the prep work.
(And yes, he really was happy to do this,
so I'm not sure what's up with the scowl on his face.)

Here are the "after" photos...

Todd admiring his work.

Soon-to-be-Crib Wall

Nathan's Closet

See, I told you it was sweet.

Hopefully we'll have the crib next Saturday. We still have to paint a few pieces of furniture, so now we just need the weather to cooperate.

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