Tuesday, May 3, 2011


That's all P wanted to do last night. Snuggle. Poor baby was very sick & he knew it!

When he & Todd got home last night I knew he was burning up~ those flushed cheeks & sad eyes said what he couldn't. He reached for me to hold him & when I did, my suspicions were confirmed. He was H.O.T. I asked if he wanted to snuggle, and he said over & over again "snuggle." So sweet yet so sad.

So we immediately got in Mommy & Daddy's bed & we snuggled. Todd laid down with us for a few moments, but then headed out to get us something for dinner. I ate my dinner with P in the crook of my arm & we watched Curious George & Elmo over & over again. He fell asleep around 9:15, & I finally got watch something other that CG & E.

P occasionally woke up during the night either to cry, whimper, or get some juice. Around 3 a.m. I spoon-fed him applesauce (spiked with his medicine ~ he won't take medicine any other way), & by 5 his fever broke.

Since he's still not feeling 100%, he's spending the day watching more CG & E and snuggling with PopPop. I hope PopPop gets to hear him say that sweet word~ snuggle.

Friday, April 22, 2011

TMI, but it makes a Momma proud!!!

P is in a new class at school (the older 1s), and in that class they focus on potty-training. It's awesome in that P gets to see all his friends doing it, so he wants to do it too, and it is awesome in that they know how to potty-train whereas I don't. Not that I certainly can't figure it all out, but it helps that they are also helping to teach me what they do so that we can be consistent.

Well, Sunday, March 27, P went poopy in the potty!!! He told me he needed to "poppy... potty", so I took him to the bathroom, sat him on his potty seat that is fitted to the toilet, and I sat down in front of him to help him balance. I also made lots of funny grunting noises and silly faces so he would "push down" as he tried. Well, it worked! Yeah, Nathan! He gave me a high five & I told him how proud I was.

And then last night, April 21, he was snuggled in my arms, almost asleep, when he said "potty" again. We got up & I grabbed his step stool on my way to the potty for him to stand on. With his diaper off, P stepped up on that stool like a big boy & attempted to pee-pee in the potty. He would have been successful had I removed his potty seat. (It adds an extra 1.5 to 2 inches to the toilet seat.) Again, another round of high fives & a special visit from Daddy to tell him how proud he was.

I know we still have a ways to go, but we are so proud of Nathan. I told his teacher about his success last night, & she said she would do her magic. ;)

Yeah, Nathan! Mommy & daddy are sooo proud of you!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Ice Cream Madness

We dined al fresco last night. Mom & Rich supplied the pizza & we supplied the beverages & dessert.

P enjoyed his "pizzie", but loved his ice cream more. I made him a cone, two small scoops, & it really surprised me when he said "ice cream" as I handed it to him. He's only had it once before to our knowledge, so now I'm wondering how he knows these words. But anyway...

In addition to a small cone, I also gave him a small bowl & he really loved eating his cone with his spoon.

Nate-Nate's House

Sunday morning, Mom, Todd, Nathan & I headed to Costco to purchase something for Mom's backyard. With P in the buggy, we headed toward the back of the store. Just as we got to the "outdoor area", P demanded to be let out. "Out! Out!" he said. He had spotted the CUTEST little playhouse.

Well, it didn't take long until we all made the decision that he just had to have the CUTEST little playhouse, so 25 minutes later we were checking out with it on our cart.

Fast forward several hours later. P wakes up from his nap to find Daddy hard at work putting together the CUTEST little playhouse. As he peered from the back deck into the backyard, he giggled (so stinkin' cute) and immediately proclaimed.... "THAT'S NATE-NATE'S!!!" And my reply, "Yes, Buddy, that's Nate-Nate's House."

We have some landscaping to left to do, but hopefully it will be done by the end of the weekend. We've bought everything, but now we need to find a few hours to finish.

Do you see his little hand sticking out of the window?
He's reaching for the doorbell. Yes, it has a working doorbell!!!

P saying, "Welcome to Nate-Nate's House!!! Do come in."

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Afternoon Fun

Yesterday MeMe picked P up from school. His afternoon with MeMe included the following:

Trip to the park, a word we have to spell if we don't want P to scream PARK and insist that we go THAT moment

Watering MeMe's flower beds~ note to self: P can do this at home, too

Run around Mr. Sean & Ms. Christine's backyard

Play with Georgia on her backyard swing set

Enjoy a banana & some cookies (because what afternoon at MeMe's isn't complete without cookies?!?!)

& lots of love & hugs & kisses from MeMe & PopPop

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Southern Boy

Snacktime at school

Mmmm... watermelon

Wonder if they've had a seed spitting contest yet

Friday, March 25, 2011

Is there a doctor in the house?

P playing doctor at school. Momma Bear is being a good patient. I hope P is being a good doctor.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Zoo Atlanta

P at Zoo Atlanta, Sunday, February 27, 2011

"Nate-Nate" & "Haddie"

This past Sunday we joined the Jenkins Family for an afternoon at Zoo Atlanta. Hadley & Nate-Nate (her nickname for him) are classmates & great friends. Brad & Todd enjoyed a few beers, Laura & I enjoyed a little bit of girl & mommy talk, and Haddie (P's nickname for her) & Nate-Nate enjoyed lots of yummy snacks & the animals.

Backyard Fun

We are welcoming an early Spring at our home. P's slide has been relocated to the back deck along with his toy grill that Santa brought him, and we've been enjoying our afternoon snacks out there while the dogs sunbathe & Todd works on his "Man Cave."

Monday, January 24, 2011

Snow 2011

Yes, I'm late posting this photo, but better late than never.

This photo was taken Monday, January 10, 2011.
This is P's first adventure into the 2011 snow.

What's not to love?

P rearranged this dining room chair following last night's dinner. He didn't like its placement in the corner, so he put it where he thought it belonged... next to Mommy! Makes my heart melt!!

And of course this totally adorable photo follows the ones of P sticking his finger up his nose, propping his foot on the dining room table, chewing with his mouth wide open, and banging his fork, plate & cup on the table. See this post on my 365 blog for the photos of his "boys will be boys" behavior.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

"I stuck!"

P opened his closet door, climbed to the top of the box where he now sits, pulled a few diapers out and threw them to the floor, and then proceeded to get stuck. Here he is contemplating his next move. He wound up calling out "I stuck!"

Mommy to the rescue!!!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


P had his first day of Out of School Suspension yesterday. Seems he was pulling a little girl's hair (out!) and hitting a kid or two on the head with a book. Overall, he was not playing nicely. I was already on my way to get him to take him to the doctor's office for an ear infection (which, by the way, I didn't know kids with ear tubes got), so it was not a problem to keep him all day. We are chocking up his bad day to not feeling so well, and after a few long talks last night from both Daddy & me about what is expected, we don't expect any more OSS days.
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers