October 26... 5 months old!

October 26... 5 months old!
Nathan "found" his foot yesterday, October 25.
Started eating solids on September 28. (So far bananas are his favorite!)
Loves to roll. Left to right, right to left. Belly to back, back to belly... doesn't matter!
Loves hanging out in his exersaucer. We call it "the circus" because it has a circus theme.
Loves taking long naps with Mommy.
Loves taking long baths with Daddy. (He may be part fish!)
Loves to talk, sing, squeal, laugh with delight & abandon. The best is his laugh when I say "I love you!" (The best!)
Loves joining us at the kitchen table. Loves feeding himself & watching us feed ourselves.
Loves everyone & everything!
1 comment:
I love the first picture! What a sweetie!
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