Thursday, April 16, 2009

Never thought I would say these words, but...

I will be making Nathan's baby food. There. I said it.

At Saturday's baby shower, Jennifer handed us each a spoon. A beautiful chocolate brown spoon. The color was to die for. But I digress.

She then proceeded to walk around my living room asking us each to taste whatever nasty concoction was in the baby food jar sans label. Let me tell you... that stuff was NASTY. Yuck. As a self-proclaimed Foodie, my son will not be fed that stuff unless it is an absolute necessity. Again, that stuff was NASTY.

My friend Nolan (pregnant with twin girls... hopefully Nathan & the girls will have their first play date at Piedmont's nursery!!!) tells me that her sister-in-law makes her son's baby food and that it is super easy, so we shall see.

I know Jerry Seinfeld's wife Jessica has a cookbook about such things, so I'll be sure to check that out.

My neighbor Sarah makes Molly Beth's baby food, so I'll be sure to pick her brain as well.

Has anyone else made their own baby food? Any suggestions or combinations to stay away from?


Tonicita said...

It's very possible that your child may simply go from only drinking milk or formula, to eating real food. He may skip baby food almost entirely. That is what Sarah did. And, to be honest, we bought very little prepared baby food. We mostly gave Sarah what we were eating, only mashed or chopped or pureed. Its much easier, and I know it tastes better! You just have to watch out for you tend to eat much blander foods for a while.

Virginia said...

I made all of Emily's food - and froze it in ice cube trays so that I could just do one big batch at a time. It is SUPER easy - and she ate much chunkier food much earlier. She hated the store bought babyfood. We started with bananas and avocados which are super easy because all you have to do is mash with a fork. Applesauce and mashed potatoes (sweet and regular) were also two of her early favorites. It does make it really really easy to transition to big people food too - because they are already used to the good stronger flavors.

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