I am putting in my order for my first meal after Nathan's arrival. Baby, I want...
Roast beef & swiss cheese sandwich on whole wheat bread with lettuce, onion, tomato, jalapeno & banana peppers, salt & pepper, mayo & mustard, and oil & vinegar! I don't care where it comes from, but that's what I want. It can look like this (minus the olives)...

I haven't had a real deli sandwich since early-September, and I am in desperate need of one! Having said that, my wonderful grandmother has been wonderful enough to roast a few turkey breasts for me, serve me homemade chicken salad sandwiches, and send me home with enough pimento & cheese spread (homemade with love as well) to last for days because she knows I can't eat deli meat these days. Thankfully I work very close by her home, so I've spent many lunch hours with her enjoying this fine food.
Thank you, Grandmother. From the bottom of my heart, my belly, & my wooden leg!
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