Today started in a valley...
The power went out around 4 a.m.. It was still out when we woke at 6:20. I fed Nathan in the dark (got soaked by his first bout of projectile vomit), changed his diaper by the glow of Todd's iPhone flashlight app, and showered by candlelight. I am wearing an outfit that I wore just days ago because I couldn't iron or even see what was in my closet, and I am at work sans make-up.
Nathan & I both had doctor appointments this morning. I was looking forward to HOVing, but traffic on the interstate was at a stop, so I decided to go the back roads. That was probably a mistake since it took me 55 minutes to go 8 miles. I was late to my appointment, but thankfully we were early to Nathan's.
Nathan was diagnosed with a double ear infection and Bronchialitis, so he'll begin a 10-day course of antibiotics. Following the chat with the doctor, I decided to give him a bottle, which he quickly projectile vomited all over himself, his toys & blanket, and car seat. I was in tears, and thankfully another mom was there to hand me wipes. I couldn't even pick him up because he was covered in it and I was dressed for work. What kind of mom am I?
But it's ending with at a peak...
First, Nathan gained 10 ounces in 15 days. (He's still off the charts, so we are to continue with his feeding plan. They will see him again in 3 weeks, so hopefully he'll be almost a full pound heavier by then. Keep your fingers crossed & say a little prayer.)
Second, my mom is wonderful. Nathan is so blessed to have her as his MeMe. I am so blessed, too. Without me even asking, she volunteered Rich's services today, & she even though she only asked for Thursday off, her boss told her to take Friday too.
Third, Nathan is spending tonight with MeMe & PopPop, thereby giving me & Todd a chance to have a meal sans Peanut and my girls date night with Joan after my date with Todd to be stress-free. I'll get to do some holiday baking without having to take care of a sick baby.
It's been a stressful November & December with a sick household. Just as soon as we get well, we get sick. I know this too shall pass, but can it pass quickly? God knows I am impatient.
Which reminds me of my favorite Story People print...
"Most people don't know that there are angels whose only job is to make sure you don't get too comfortable & fall asleep & miss your life"