Several weeks ago it was Tech Night at Six Flags. Mike & Cherilyn and Todd & I went. I am not a fan of roller coasters (hate them actually), but there a few rides that I do enjoy:
I really don't like amusement parks. I ESPECIALLY don't like the Georgia Cyclone. Here's the story..
So we get to the park and Cherilyn & Mike are on another ride (they got there before us). Todd wants to ride the Georgia Cyclone; I didn't. He does a little pouting act, so I give in. NEVER AGAIN! I had never been on that ride, so I had no idea how bumpy it would be. Seriously bumpy. I even hit him at one point, and the words (and I quote) "Well, if we were pregnant we're not anymore!" came out of my mouth. Obviously that didn't happen, but still. That's how much I HATED the ride.
So for the rest of the evening we rode the rides I wanted to ride, but I also stood in line for almost 2 hours with them so they could ride The Batman Ride. Two minutes later, we were already looking for the next ride. I am a very good wife (and he's a very good husband). He'll be taking our kids to Six Flags with explicit instructions to NOT let them ride the Georgia Cyclone.
Here are some photos of that evening...