Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Nathan went for his 4 month old appointment last Monday. While waiting for his doctor to come in, he did no less than 50 rolls! Tummy to back, back to tummy, it didn't matter. He just wanted to move! He even did a few "army crawls" to pass the time. He seriously continues to amaze us every day.

His stats are as follows:
Length- 24 1/2"
Weight- 12 lb. 7 oz.
Head- 16"

His doctor says he's PERFECT and was in awe of his ability to move around so well so early.

The not-so-fun part of the day were the immunization shots. He got DTaP, Hib, Polio, Rotavirus and Prevnar (pneumococcal) vaccines. He'll most likely get the flu shot in late November at his 6 month appointment given that he is in daycare and kids seem to be the host organisms for all things evil. (Just kidding!)

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