P is in a new class at school (the older 1s), and in that class they focus on potty-training. It's awesome in that P gets to see all his friends doing it, so he wants to do it too, and it is awesome in that they know how to potty-train whereas I don't. Not that I certainly can't figure it all out, but it helps that they are also helping to teach me what they do so that we can be consistent.
Well, Sunday, March 27, P went poopy in the potty!!! He told me he needed to "poppy... potty", so I took him to the bathroom, sat him on his potty seat that is fitted to the toilet, and I sat down in front of him to help him balance. I also made lots of funny grunting noises and silly faces so he would "push down" as he tried. Well, it worked! Yeah, Nathan! He gave me a high five & I told him how proud I was.
And then last night, April 21, he was snuggled in my arms, almost asleep, when he said "potty" again. We got up & I grabbed his step stool on my way to the potty for him to stand on. With his diaper off, P stepped up on that stool like a big boy & attempted to pee-pee in the potty. He would have been successful had I removed his potty seat. (It adds an extra 1.5 to 2 inches to the toilet seat.) Again, another round of high fives & a special visit from Daddy to tell him how proud he was.
I know we still have a ways to go, but we are so proud of Nathan. I told his teacher about his success last night, & she said she would do her magic. ;)
Yeah, Nathan! Mommy & daddy are sooo proud of you!!!
Well, Sunday, March 27, P went poopy in the potty!!! He told me he needed to "poppy... potty", so I took him to the bathroom, sat him on his potty seat that is fitted to the toilet, and I sat down in front of him to help him balance. I also made lots of funny grunting noises and silly faces so he would "push down" as he tried. Well, it worked! Yeah, Nathan! He gave me a high five & I told him how proud I was.
And then last night, April 21, he was snuggled in my arms, almost asleep, when he said "potty" again. We got up & I grabbed his step stool on my way to the potty for him to stand on. With his diaper off, P stepped up on that stool like a big boy & attempted to pee-pee in the potty. He would have been successful had I removed his potty seat. (It adds an extra 1.5 to 2 inches to the toilet seat.) Again, another round of high fives & a special visit from Daddy to tell him how proud he was.
I know we still have a ways to go, but we are so proud of Nathan. I told his teacher about his success last night, & she said she would do her magic. ;)
Yeah, Nathan! Mommy & daddy are sooo proud of you!!!