Does this face look like "uh-o, I just got caught?"
P has recently started climbing on top of things- chairs, tables, his "scooters", Camper Kitty's stool, and even his toy piano. It scares a momma. He's good at climbing; that's not the scary part. It's the getting down.
Last night, he proceeded to fall backwards off the chair he was standing on. Granted, it's only a toy chair that is about 10 inches off the floor, but still. The boy has no fear! He was like the "boss man" in the Geico commercials who falls back on the poor gecko. That was P. Thankfully I was there to catch him- always am.
This morning he tried several times to climb on top of his toy piano. The toy piano that hangs our in our bathroom so he can entertain himself while we get ready in the mornings. Yeah, the floor is hard tile. Needless to say we don't let him climb onto it. A strong & steady "no!" does wonders. He knows Momma means business!
And not sure if you can tell, but he is standing in the "scooter" in the photo above. That was last Saturday, June 5. That was his first day of climbing. He's gotten pretty good at it, and all in five days!