Our little angel playing an angel in his school program. They danced, clapped their hands & stomped their feet to "I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle & I praise the Lord." Too cute!!!
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Christmas 2010
Our little angel playing an angel in his school program. They danced, clapped their hands & stomped their feet to "I wiggle, wiggle, wiggle & I praise the Lord." Too cute!!!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Yesterday morning P greeted me as a butt naked little boy standing in his crib! He went to bed with just a diaper on, but at some point decided even that was overdressed. I called down the hall to Todd so he could see what I was looking at. We both just giggled at that little butt naked boy... & then decided that that was the last time he was going to bed without pajamas on.
A few weeks ago it was his nap time. He wasn't really feeling like it was naptime even though the clock most definitely said otherwise. I tried for a few minutes to cuddle with him & read his favorite books & sing his favorite songs, but he was being a very wiggly wiggle worm. This is how my attempt to get him to take a nap ended...
P, let's cuddle.
P, let's sing "Here Comes Peter Cottontail" (for the 20th time that afternoon).
P, would you like some juice?
P, would you like to take a nap?
P, would you like to play with Mommy's vacuum?
~silence~ & then he runs down the hall to our bedroom where the vacuum sits.
Apples & Applesauce
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Mommy's Little Helper
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Peanut LOVES Peanut Butter
Friday, October 15, 2010
Hollow Leg
And since I have/had (not sure I can eat & eat & eat that much these days) a hollow leg, Nathan has definitely inherited it from me. hehe
For dinner Wednesday night, P ate:
- 2 ears of corn
- 1 stick of cheese
- 9 strawberries
- 1/4 cup green beans
- 1/4 cheese quesadilla
- & I'm sure I am missing something!... banana maybe?
Told you he had a hollow leg... and a Buddha belly!!!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Go Go
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
9, 10 & 11
Nathan styled his own hair the other evening. This was after he finished dinner but while he still had food on his hands.
Some mornings he styles his hair with banana, which of course isn't easy to wash out real quick. Oh well. He probably isn't the only kid at school with food where it shouldn't be. (Ears, anyone?)
Monday, August 30, 2010
15 Months
P is 15 months old. His visit to the doctor's office last week for his well-baby check revealed the following:
- He's 20 lbs, 7 ounces
- He's 30.25 inches tall
The doctor was also glad to hear how active he is, how he does not have the milk allergy that we thought he did at 12 months of age, and that his verbal skills are right where they should be. At this time, he can say:
- Please
- Thank You
- You're Welcome
- Bubble
- Mommy
- Daddy
- Banana
- Where's Nathan (kinda sorta)
- Dog
- Baba (bottle)
- Blueberry
P also LOVES to eat. Some of his favorites are:
- Bananas
- Blueberries
- Sausage
- Pasta
- Green Beans
- Grapes
- Mandarin Oranges
- Pineapple
- Grape Tomatoes
- Corn on the Cob
P also LOVES to play. He recently got his first set of Legos from Legoland at Downtown Disney. Todd likes to play with them after P goes to bed, so some mornings P wakes up to a new "Daddy Design." One day last week it was an "Air Stair" that they use at the airport to load passengers onto the planes. P also loves the slide that MeMe bought him. This can easily entertain him for a while. His play kitchen was recently removed from his playroom because he wasn't "playing nice" with it, but the fruit & veggie basket remains. His two favorites are corn and banana, and he eats the banana likes it's corn, and vice versa. He also loves his swing, ride around cars, pool, and water & sand table that was his birthday gift from Mommy & Daddy. And yesterday MeMe & PopPop bought him a music kit, complete with a drum, maracas, jingle bells, a tambourine & a few other goodies.
P also LOVES books. Not that he reads them, but he loves to hold them, carry them around, turn them upside down, and turn the pages. His two favorites are 'Twas the Night Before Christmas and Here Comes Peter Cottontail. I had to learn 'Twas the Night Before Christmas in school, so I am able to recite much of it to him.
P also LOVES Curious George. He has two CG videos that he watches while in the car. MeMe bought him a TV/DVD player for the car, so every morning he watches a CG clip on his way to school. He also has a CG bath book that he loves to "read" while he's in the bathtub. I even told Great-Grandmother that she should get him a CG monkey for Christmas.
P also LOVES LOVES LOVES the water. Whether it's the bathtub, the pool, the water & sand play table, the big swimming pool, or a pitcher filled with water & ice, P loves it all. We visited with my aunt in Orlando earlier this month, who just so happens to have a pool in the backyard. P played in the pool two, and sometimes three, times a day. I think he wishes we had one in our backyard. (Me too, P. Me too.) P will also climb into the bathtub whether or not there's water just so he can be near the water. One day two weeks ago he climbed in the tub while I was filling it with water. Only problem was that he had all his clothes on! That was lots of fun, huh P? And the cutest thing he does is this... he pretends there's ice in the "water pitcher" in the bathtub and he reaches in, grabs a handful, and then puts in in his mouth! He'll even share his "ice" with me. Too stinkin' cute!
I'm sure there's lots more to share about P and how he has blessed our lives and made our days loads more fun. But I think I'll save those for another post.
Monday, July 26, 2010

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
No Fear!!!

P has recently started climbing on top of things- chairs, tables, his "scooters", Camper Kitty's stool, and even his toy piano. It scares a momma. He's good at climbing; that's not the scary part. It's the getting down.
Last night, he proceeded to fall backwards off the chair he was standing on. Granted, it's only a toy chair that is about 10 inches off the floor, but still. The boy has no fear! He was like the "boss man" in the Geico commercials who falls back on the poor gecko. That was P. Thankfully I was there to catch him- always am.
This morning he tried several times to climb on top of his toy piano. The toy piano that hangs our in our bathroom so he can entertain himself while we get ready in the mornings. Yeah, the floor is hard tile. Needless to say we don't let him climb onto it. A strong & steady "no!" does wonders. He knows Momma means business!
And not sure if you can tell, but he is standing in the "scooter" in the photo above. That was last Saturday, June 5. That was his first day of climbing. He's gotten pretty good at it, and all in five days!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
My Mother's Day... Delayed
Sunday morning we got an early start. First stop, IHOP where Nathan enjoyed a HUGE breakfast of bananas (he ate a whole one!), pineapple, scrambled eggs, and pancakes!!! I was so happy to see him have his appetite back.
We hit the road at 10:00, and made it to Lake Oconnee around 11:30. We did a quick change into our swimsuits and loaded up the boat with coolers and beach towels and set sail.

Happy Family

P did not like his life jacket, but he did not complain too much. That's probably because Pop Pop let him drive the boat!
We quickly set anchor on "Dog Island." While Mom & I fixed lunch, P swam in the lake with Daddy. He really enjoyed the water. After lunch, P walked the beach with MeMe & me and played in the water and sand. So much fun watching him experience his "firsts."
The rest of our afternoon was spent with P enjoying a nap in MeMe's lap while looking out at the lake from a swing while I took a nap in the cabin. It was a very relaxing way to spend Mother's Day.
Friday, April 9, 2010
P & MeMe spent the day together.
P went to the doctor. He has another ear infection. Sigh. But he now weighs 18 lbs. 4 oz., so he's moved up a little bit in the weight chart. YEAH!!!
After the doctor visit, they dined at IHOP. P ate pasta, peaches, carrots & peas. He then took a nap. (I wish I could take a nap. Sigh.)
A quick trip to The Shop to visit with Uncle Charlie was followed up with a trip to Lowe's. That's where this photo was taken. Look at that adorable little boy. Sigh.

At least it's Friday & I can all those things tomorrow & Sunday. YEAH!!!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Baby Steps
P went on to show off his new skills Sunday morning when he walked to MeMe & then Daddy.
And no, we don't have video. We may have a photo on Arden's camera, and if we do, I'll share it.
Friday, March 12, 2010
Weekend Fun

Last Weekend
Saturday morning MeMe and I took P shopping at Target. And like a big boy, P stood in the shopping cart the whole time. He held on the sides and the back of the front seat like a pro. That afternoon Nathan had his first playdate. John, a boy from P's daycare class, joined us the the park for some swing action.
Sunday was Family Day. We went to the Zoo. (I'll post pictures later.) That was fun for all. We are thinking about getting a family pass. P was more into people-watching than animal-watching, so we think we'll wait on the family pass for a while.
This Weekend
Dressed in his Easter outfit (a gift from Grandma), P will meet the Easter Bunny Saturday. Mom & I are taking him to Arbor Place Mall to see Peter Cottontail, and then we'll enjoy an afternoon of shopping & lunching.
Sunday's plans are unplanned, but I'm sure we'll find something to do. We always do.