So Nathan had his one month appointment yesterday. He is growing so fast. He now weighs 8 lbs. 5 oz. and is 21" long. He's gained 2 lbs. and grew 2 inches in a month! This boy is a weed!
Seriously, he has changed so much in a month. My mom and I comment on it every day. He can hold his head up for extended periods of time, he smiles at us (and no, it's not gas or him peeing on himself!), he is such a big helper with his feedings (he holds the bib up to his chin with his hands), and he sleeps in his nursery.
Nathan also loves visiting new people and places, and especially loves when others visit him. (He likes the car rides, but hates getting in & out of the car seat!) His favorite person other than Mommy & Daddy is MeMe (my mom), and he already has a few "girlfriends" (Nikki, Stephanie & Lorrie). He loves his Grandma & Grandpa (they always bring him gifts), and his Granddaddy (my dad) stops by just to hold him. He also has a PopPop (my stepdad) who cannot wait to take him fishing. He has met almost all of his great grandparents, some who came from as far away as Florida. He still needs to meet Pop, so hopefully that trip will happen in the near future. Uncle Brian, Aunt Jennifer & Uncle Jeff love the sweet boy. Aunt Jennifer can make the fussies go away like magic!
We had a in-home photo shoot the other day... me & Nathan. I am working on finding the perfect picture for his birth announcements. I have the perfect idea, now I just need his help in executing it! He can be a wiggle worm, so most of my shots have some action blur in them. I am posting photos to FaceBook and to this blog, so check both places often!
Speaking of the wiggle worm, he has a few nicknames... The Peanut & Mr. Wiggley (as in wiggle worm). We call burps "the burpies", and it's called a "milkshake" when he spits up after a round of trying to get the burpies out. The boy is too stinkin' cute!!
There are so many other things to remember about our sweet boy. I plan on writing them in his baby book so I won't forget. It's amazing how much he has changed in one month. My mom said he'll grow up fast. It's so true!
Happy One Month Birthday, Nathan! Mommy loves you!